
Showing posts from January, 2023

#DalamBerita: Suspended, fired Umno MPs can choose to be independents, say expert

SHAH ALAM - Sacked Umno members who are also MPs can keep their seat by choosing to remain independent, say experts. Singapore Institute of International Affairs senior fellow, Dr Oh Ei Sun said MPs who lost their Umno membership can remain as independents as stated in the anti-hopping law. "Those fired still get to keep their MP seats as independents per anti-hopping law," he told Sinar Daily. He added that those who were suspended are still with Umno and can remain as backbenchers at the Dewan Rakyat. "So, it is up to them to whether pledge their support for the unity government or for Perikatan Nasional (PN), or just be independents," he stated. According to lawyer Fatihah Jamhari, sacked Umno MPs will likely sit together with two other independent MPs. "Those who were sacked will most probably sit together with the other two independent MPs, at the back," she said. She also said the ruling party may have lost three MPs but the present government remain...

#DalamBerita: What's the difference between donation and bribery? A lot, it seems

SHAH ALAM - Charitable and political donations can lead to the risk of bribery and corruption if they are not properly managed and regulated, say lawyers. Lawyer Fatihah Jamhari said ideally, there are no strings attached with donations and bribery is clearly given with hope of returning a favour. "Previously, many used 'donation' or 'gifts' as a defence when factually they are all for return of consideration," Fatihah told Sinar Daily. She explained that charitable and political donation can lead to risk of bribery and corruption when it is gifted as a requirement of return of consideration under Section 16 of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission 2009 Act. "Anything that has the element of tit-for-tat in any form, simply put is a bribery," she said. When asked on how to overcome this issue, she said it all depends on how transparent the accounts are. "I have been involved in civil society organisations (CSOs) for awhile and I think the numb...

Lambakan kes keganasan terhadap kanak-kanak: Apa kerajaan nak buat? (Utusan Malaysia 20 Jan 2023)

‘ ANAS bin Malik meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah ﷺ bersabda: “Berbuat baiklah kepada anak-anakmu, dan sempurnakanlah adab mereka ”.’ – Sunan Ibn Majah 3671. Pada 9 Disember lalu, seorang kanak-kanak perempuan berumur sembilan tahun mati didera bapanya dan ditanam berhampiran tempat riadah di Jalan Pudu. Pada 26 Disember pula, seorang kanak-kanak lelaki mati selepas didera oleh kakak kandungnya di Senggarang, Batu Pahat. Pada 4 Januari tahun ini, seorang bayi lelaki empat bulan koma selepas disyaki didera di taska oleh pengasuhnya. Minggu lalu, tular rakaman video orang awam menemui seorang kanak-kanak lelaki dengan kesan penderaan fizikal di Cheras Utama.    Sejak seminggu lalu juga diberitakan beberapa kes keganasan seksual terhadap kanak-kanak. Minggu lalu, seorang lelaki warganegara India mengaku tidak bersalah di Mahkamah Sesyen Johor Bharu atas pertuduhan merogol dan melakukan persetubuhan luar tabii terhadap anak kandungnya berusia tiga tahun 11 bulan. Awal minggu ini, se...

#DalamBerita: Suicide decriminalisation: Table repeal at next Dewan Rakyat sitting, govt told

SHAH ALAM – The government needs to table the revision of archaic law Section 309 of the Penal Code at the next Dewan Rakyat sitting to show its seriousness to decriminalise suicide attempts in the country. At the time, Section 309 of the Penal Code states that those who were unsuccessful in their suicide attempt can be jailed for up to a year or be fined, or both. On Tuesday, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Legislation and Institutional Reform) Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said stated that the government intended to revise Section 309 so that it would be more relevant and in line with the current developments. Former Bar Council president Salim Bashir Bhaskaran when asked to comment about the move said that Azalina’s suggestion to reignite the earlier proposals to decriminalise attempted suicide was a move in the right direction. “The government must revisit the archaic law by tabling for its repeal at the next Dewan Rakyat’s sitting. “Those who have suicidal thoughts should...