Women in leadership, stop lying to young girls (MMO 24 February 2022)
The issue of women representation in leadership or in C-suites has blown up again. I am mad and I don’t think my anger will subside anytime soon, if ever. I think you should be angrier too. It has been 27 years since Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action. If it was a human being, it would have been able to get driver’s license, graduate from college, start working, vote twice, pay tax, get married, have children of its own and may even sign a loan agreement to tie it to 30 years of capitalism bondage. Yet, 27 years has meant little for women. We are still fighting the bitter struggle of yelling at the top of our lungs to be given the same opportunities, the same wages, the same credit and respect our male counterparts get as a matter of birth-right. At the rate we are in, I am convinced that there is no such thing as merit when it comes to women. Which is why, year after year when we list Top 10 Richest Malaysians, there will be no woman on that list. Like in...