#DalamBerita: Bar Council told to stop defending obnoxious lawyers
KUALA LUMPUR – June 30, 2017 : A lawyers’ activist group wants the Bar Council to stop defending its members who failed to adhere to the prescribed lawyers’ etiquette. Continuing to do so, argued the secretary-general of the Concerned Lawyers for Justice (CLJ), Fatihah Jamhari, will damage the Bar’s image. Fatihah, in a statement today, said it was unnecessary for Bar chairman George Varughese to defend controversial lawyer Siti Zabedah Kasim, also known as Siti Kasim who was charged last week for obstructing a government official. Fatihah argued that the Bar should not defend Siti Kasim because she had failed to follow the code of conducts stipulated in the Legal Profession (Practice and Etiqutte) Rules 1978 and the United Nation Basic Principle on the Role of Lawyer. The guidelines, according to Fatihah, stated that a lawyer is duty bound, even while representing clients and carrying out duties in defence of a suspected offender, to uphold the law and dignity of the profession at all...